15 September 2010

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Part II

The last time I went to KL, for one night before I flew to Australia, I did not even write a post about it. Similarly, this post will be brief because I did not do much in KL, there is not much to do in KL, and because I have already written a post on KL before.

Because of the cost of flights to KL and to Kolkata I ended up having three nights in KL. I wanted a day or maybe two to take care of some errands but three nights was too long but it gave me time to enjoy some more Malaysian food and to take it easy. I opted for a nicer hostel this time because I wanted wifi because I needed to do stuff online. Not coincidentally the hostel I chose also had AC. Other than use the Internet and soak in the cool air all I did was walk around a bit, eat great food, including a attempted return to the Laundry Kafeteria Arabic place (ended up going to a different Arabic place), some shopping for items I thought would be difficult to get in India, and having some sewing done.

I met a French guy who seemed to want some company and help getting around (it was his first time in Asia) so we spent a couple days together not doing much.

That is pretty much it.

1 comment:

  1. dont stop blogging! I'm still reading and enjoying living vicariously.

    did you see this in the NY Times?
